Immanuel Banner

Well, as promised, here is the completed Immanuel banner. This banner is, this Christmas eve, hanging in the sanctuary of Saint Stephens church, Sewickley, Pennsylvania. If you have seen my previous post on the Immanuel project you may notice certain differences in the features of Jesus. The Jesus in the first post is well, hairier. That is because the first post is not actually the first painting. The model for the painting was my dear friend Patrick who was at the time a pastor at St. Stephens. Patrick was much loved at St. Stephens and the banner looks like Patrick. I took Patrick's suggestion and added beard and hair to the origional painting. Patrick reasoned that while the good people at St. Stephen's might be happy with a six foot tall Patrick/Jesus since they know and love him, if our intent is to make banners for other churches perhaps it may not do to have more banners in which Jesus looks exactly like himself. Patrick is a very humble guy as you can see.
This banner is the first of several that we will be making available for purchase to churches over the course of this next year.