This is a painting that I did on Friday last, the 27th of January as a demonstration for an advanced painting class. I have painted this little girl before. I think that the origional for that other painting may be posted elsewhere in my blog or on my website. It is painted with a very limited palette of Burnt Sienna, Ultramarine Blue, Cobalt Blue, Cerulean Blue and Cadmium Light Red. the line work is a 6B pencil. Most of the painting was done with a 2" flat brush. The paper that I used for this one is my all time favorite, Saunders Waterford, 200# CP from St. Cuthberts Mill. The paper is available from Cheap Joe's if you're interested in that kind of thing.
April and I met this little girl in Kampala, Uganda on our last visist there. The empty bowl expresses the condition of the children in much of Sub-Saharan Africa.
This piece is done on a half sheet. the asking price is $650.00. If you are interested in this piece please contact me at alan@missionarywatercolors.com.